Basic Round Pot Stand, Large-18.5 Inches High X 10.5 Inches in Diameter
Basic Round Pot Stand, Small-12.5 Inches High X 10.5 Inches in Diameter
Forged Iron Pot Stand-8 Inches Tall X 12 Inches in Diameter, Painted Bronze
Handmade Iron Floor Stand, Bronze Color-21 Inches High X 8 5/8 Inches Wide
Handmade Iron Floor Stand, Bronze Color-27 Inches High X 8 5/8 Inches Wide
Handmade Wrought Iron Chimenea or Pot Stand, Bronze Color-8 Inches High X 14 Inches in Diameter
Heavy Duty Plant Stand-17.75 Inches Tall X 16 Inches Wide
Heavy Duty Plant Stand-22 3/8 Inches Tall X 16 Inches Wide
Large Heavy Duty Pot Stand, Bronze Color-12 Inches High X 12 Inch Diameter
Large Heavy Duty Pot Stand-16 Inches High X 12 Inches in Diameter
Wrought Iron Chimenea or Pot Stand-8 Inches High X 16 Inches in Diameter, Painted Bronze
Wrought Iron Pot Stand-12 Inches High X 12 Inches in Diameter, Painted Bronze
Wrought Iron Pot Stand-16 Inches High X 12 Inches in Diameter, Painted Bronze
Wrought Iron Spiral Stand-9 Inches Tall, Inside Diameter of the ring is 7.5 Inches, Dark Bronze Color